Re: hair length update! and a bit of sad news

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Posted by Long Hair In Albany (other posts) on February 16, 2014 at 06:26:42 Previous Next

In Reply to: Re: hair length update! and a bit of sad news posted by Jason on February 16, 2014 at 05:24:48:

: It's heartbreaking to think of you now cutting it.

Yes it is heartbreaking.

: I don't understand how someone can harass you for something so personal.

It also comes down to how strict your dad is. He may be one of these dads who is convinced that men should have short military style short haircuts.

: I guess it comes down to how reliant you are upon your father at this point in your life. If it's possible to separate yourself after explaining how important your hair is to you and that you must assert your independence, I would do so. Likely, he'll come around in time.

At 59 yesrs old i've seen alot friends go through this over the
years. Some dads do come around but some don't and it may come down to having short hair while living under his roof and waiting to grow your hair long when you have your own house (apartment).

Ultimately it is sad that you have to go through this. I've known many guys who went through this over the years.

Luckily I didn't have to go through it. My mom and dad were
divorced, and mom was ok with my hair being long. There was
one point in the 80s where shs complained about my long hair
but by then I hsd my own house, my own job, I just laid down
the law "this is my house my rules, if you don't like it you can
leave." I never got any more complaints from her.

I started growing my hair long in 1964, I would have hoped that hassling men about long hair would have ended years ago. Alas it hasn't, so the battle continues.

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